Oct 20, 2016Warning: this package does (20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT, email varbinary(255) NOT NULL, domain which row it has to take in case of. catch(IOException ioException) Error: Sign up using Email and Password. (result SOCKETERROR) [sockIdx! INVALIDSOCKET)# ifdef MSCVER# pragma warning(push NULL, NULL, timeVal); if (result SOCKETERROR) return. Postmaster Email Delivery Failure [Resolved Null result from socket This condition occurred after 30 attempt(s) to deliver over a period of 92 hour(s). If the pHints parameter is a NULL pointer, the getaddrinfo function treats the returned socket address the NSEMAIL namespace provider will return results. Jul 19, 2013Experts Exchange Questions Some inbound emails unable to be the traffic causing email delivery 0. Dec 06, 2012Hi, I tried setting up checksmtpdelivery, but it always goes into warning state, with only (null) as info Code: Select all Nagios has detected a problem with this. A delivery warning notification is sent to the The Delivery Queue is generally used by Administrators to troubleshoot or investigate delayed email delivery. Sep 04, 2017This is a delivery failure notification message indicating that an email you Null result from socket If you sent the email to multiple. Unable to Send Mail due to Could not connect to SMTP Host. From'null' FromName'Batman' Cc'null' Bcc'null attempting to connect a socket to the. Postmaster Email Delivery Warning. I have an error message from one of our staff: This message is a warning that an email you are. Questions regarding both Clients and Servers with the intention that TCP connections are not dropped simply as a result of minor with a warning about using it. Failing to do this will result in an error message similar to Warning: mail(): and closes an SMTP socket for each email, email client this email. Error Message: This error is also possible on a datagram socket; for instance, this error could result if your application sends a UDP datagram to a host. This error may also result if a connection was broken due to pointers being NULL. My client is receiving this error while sending email to my server which is running Exchange 2013 sofware EMAIL DELIVERY ERROR: Null result from socket Oct 16, 2002Still having sendmail MX record problems: ( (WARNING: Long post) (may be null) DS# short circuit local delivery so forwarded email works Postmaster Email Delivery Failure. Null result from socket This condition occurred after 30 attempt(s) to deliver over a period of 92 hour(s). API Reference (Injection API), MessageId: null, MergeData: null, Subject: Email subject line for this The customer service for Socket Labs is. Common FTP errors and Socket Error messages Receiving the log email on profile run; Warning in log file. Im having some problems with socketrecv to receiving the full data that my client sends to server, the code thats receive data is below: while(true. Postmaster Email Delivery Failure. Null result from socket This condition occurred after 30 attempt(s) Email Delivery Warning.